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Launch Content For Your First 5-Figure Launch

Updated: May 5, 2024

Launching is NO JOKE.🔥

You need a strategy. It is a necessity.

The reason a lot of entrepreneurs don't see the results they'd like to see from their launches is because they have overlooked KEY details in the strategy [for example audience warmth] 😉

I've laid out a launch content strategy for your next offer based on your audience warmth. [please take it with a grain of salt - not everyone's business is the same or will follow this] but it's a good starting point for you.

If you want the BEST launch results - GET CUSTOM SUPPORT.

Launching doesn't have to be the ''big bad'' if you have a strategy to follow that's proven to drive results.

My clients and myself create multiple 5 figure launches using my strategies. 😍


FOR YOU IF: Your audience is super hot fiery flames! They engage consistently with your content, they DM you, your lead pool grows daily, and sales are a non-issue. Great if you've launched this offer before and there is AWARENESS.

Week 1: Tease, Problem Aware

Week 2: Tease, Educate, Show Authority. Share Testimonials

Week 3: Presell, Educate, Share Testimonials

Week 4: Promote, Offer Benefits + Handle Objections


FOR YOU IF: Your audience is warm. You're posting inconsistently, not getting a ton of engagement, DMs are more ''You're so inspirational'' vs ''Sign me UP''! Your lead pool is lower than you'd like. Great if you've never launched this offer before to build awareness.

Week 1 & 2: Tease, Problem Aware

Week 2 & 3 : Tease, Educate, Promote a Lead Magnet

Week 4 & 5: Sell to those from Lead Magnet with Bonus- Educate on the gap you left from the lead magnet, Show Authority. Share Testimonials

Week 6 & 7: Promote, Educate, Share Client Results

Week 8: Promote, Offer Benefits + Handle Objections [bring back a bonus for 72 hours if you need]


FOR YOU IF: Your audience is COLD. You're posting inconsistently, your DMs and engagement are a ghost town, you have not built any authority or visibility. Your lead pool is pretty much non existent.

Week 1-4: Problem Aware + Educate + BUILD AUDIENCE

Week 4-8: Educate, Showcase Authority, Tease + Promote a Lead Magnet for at least 2 weeks [week 7+8]

Week 8-12: Sell to those from Lead Magnet with Bonus- Educate a ton on the gap you left from the lead magnet, Show Authority. Share Testimonials/results everyday [the same ones are fine], Offer Benefits + Handle Objections [bring back a bonus for 72 hours if you need]

If you're a little stuck on how to piece this all together, grab some of my Launch Content Templates to help you SELL OUT. YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE HERE


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